Hi, I'm Dorci!

I'm so happy that you've come across my website. It means that you care about your health and want to be the best version of yourself! I hope that on this site, you'll encounter a wealth of useful knowledge, tips, or even just a motivational phrase that will help you embark on the journey towards health, well-being, and, of course, achieving your desired fitness goals - AKA a banging body! 

On the website, you will find free downloadable booklets, as well as educational ebooks. Soon, you will also have access to my workout plans and exercise guides. If you are looking for a more personalized and immediately applicable assistance, you can simply book a consultation with me. Together, we can create a workout plan that fits perfectly into your everyday life and aligns with your fitness goals. We can also work on building new habits towards a healthier lifestyle.

You also have the opportunity to join our community on the website! You can do this by following me on my social media platforms, and you can also subscribe to my newsletter, where I strive to repay your trust by providing you with valuable and engaging content on a regular basis.

What can I help you with?

I hope to cover a wide range of topics, but my main areas of focus are healthy nutrition and exercise. In the webshop, you will find free downloadable booklets, as well as educational ebooks. Soon, you will also have access to workout plans and exercise guides. Additionally, you can schedule a one-hour consultation with me or opt for a personalized workout plan combined with a consultation.

What can I help you with?

Lifestyle and habits

Book an appointment for a consultation and let's establish your new healthy habits!


Take a look at my nutrition handbook and check out my upcoming recipe collection!

Workout and exercise

Book an appointment for an online workout session or let's create a personalized workout plan just for you!


Are you feeling stuck in your lifestyle change? Let's talk about your goals and discuss motivational tricks that can help you stay on track!